Sunday, December 2, 2007

Flowers In Season April, New Zealand

IA Conference 2007 - thanks to the great community success!

few weeks ago we got the second German IA Conference in Stuttgart organized - and the result can be more than satisfied. About 100 participants (by agencies, large companies and universities)

from the German IA community contributed to the fact that not only the event was a success, but also that the profession of information architects in the German speaking more and more is established. talks with the lectures, of which some are now also subscribe to podcasts as
IA Voice was the public a wide range of IA presents relevant topics. In the short feedback session on the spot we got from you the job at the next IA Conference 2008, to put more value on the IA Methods, IA IA cases and in the business process. And that's exactly what we are! It would be nice if support as many information architects, this also an interesting report.

IA network Many participants at the conference key contacts socialize with other information architects. This allows us to expand our network in a few days now and the list sent to the participants who gave us this consent. It would be great if all still active supported the IA scene (eg a blog, IA Institute membership, etc.). If you are interested, we contacted you.
IA Conference 2008

In many motivational talks that clearly need our IA community an annual event, so we can share and inspire each other. We therefore begin in January with the planning for the 2008 conference to possible soon give a date and the location known to be able to. Thank you for your support!

Friday, October 19, 2007

Jac Vanek Bracelet Knockoffs

German IA Conference in Stuttgart - The countdown is on!

Only three weeks until the second IA
conference in Germany!

There are already many information architects, user experience designers, concept developers, business managers, project managers registered, etc. from the German speaking countries. There are thus given in addition to interesting presentations, including the best ways to network. Are you already registered? IA Konferenz in Stuttgart: 9 und 10 November Tell your friends and colleagues know: Here
the banner (see above)
for your blog or website. (You untersützt to actively our German IA Community) you soon:)

Thursday, October 11, 2007

How To Change Lock On Usps Box

project notes - Concept Site Relaunch Institute for Information Architecture (IIA)

The Institute for Information Architecture (IIA asked) me unexpectedly during one of the last EURO IA conferences saying that a concept for a
relaunch the global develop the Institute's website
. The aim of the project was the new website more geared to the business scope of the IIA members and a stronger service orientation.

I was excited about the confidence for a project with many international information architects (15 languages) as the main target group would be something quite different. Back in Germany, I began to realize that this would be quite a challenge - especially as the expectations of a new website by the members (all information architect) is very high. Finding a good solution for multilingual, global alignment was only as an aspect that made the project exciting (See also: lecture on "Global IA" - by Peter Van Dijck ).

To put it briefly to the point - we have it (a few months later) managed happily with the relaunch to develop a new digital solution the interests of the institution that brings its members closer together again (Score: High customer satisfaction). The site must now be continuously developed, however, to live the service concept further - this is an important part of the concept (the Roadmap). I personally can say that I did the work with all parties involved a lot of fun!
How was the project's history?
the saying goes "The journey is the reward - in this case were mainly the following classic IA-solving methods (in iterations) is used to support the communication of all stakeholders optimal:

- With interviews were collected user requirements, which were clustered in a mind map and evaluated

Content Inventory - As part of the content inventory, all captured in the structure located content. The content owners and content sources gave it us a good sense of who was responsible for the recent website.

Use Cases - In a use case diagram and use case templates have been described in the main application comes within an average granularity.

    Global Mental Model
  • - The Global Mental Model (described in Part I ) was used as a means of communication between all stakeholders to the Business objectives of the Institute with the user requirements to balance and to achieve a common commitment to the concept.
  • Sitemap - The first map was the actual state (goal: recognition of content patterns) from. From the experience of all deliverables in the flow developed a new map with an optimized navigation structure was developed. The important thing was the support of the mental model of the Institute's members.
  • wireframes - The wireframes was primarily due to the iterative optimization of the user scenarios for (2-3 rounds per Wireframe). I considered together with all project managers the possible "interactive stories" per the application would be necessary.
  • Roadmap - The roadmap supports the further development of the website and the best in the future depends on the business model of the IIA. I go to them in another blog post if required in more detail.
  • challenges
  • development of the Global Navigation - The development of navigation, which should correspond to the global understanding of the members on the performance of the Institute, was certainly a major challenge. I understood early that this could only solve an interesting mix of top-down and bottom-up structure, as an adaptation option the structure to local needs would be critical to success here.
  • The request cluster from the interviews and the bottom-up thinking here of some European Local Groups contributed greatly to a solution.
  • Virtual collaborations
    - Apart from a few meetings at conferences, the concept was purely discussed at regular meetings, phone and email. The Task Management System Base Camp also helped us to manage the document workflow-oriented.
The right content-related Mass. - One of the reasons for the structural proliferation at the old site was a lack of guideline should describe how much content the navigation structure should follow a particular language and when a reference should be made to the main site (the English site). The solution was a content guide for all voice REPRESENATIVES who support them in their assessment of how much content structure of their language is necessary.
  • learning
  • Storytelling - A website tells always had a "history of interaction" for the user. Such a history can be read as: "I would like to extend my network" It is important that we tell these stories from the perspective of users and describe. The more we understand this "story" for the user in our wireframes solve, the higher their acceptance of the website (eg an indicator of this: the conversion rate).
  • target focusing - early to think about what are the main objectives of a site (eg networking) will help during the project when deciding how far the concept in some cases to go.
Optimal Mix of documents - Despite the IA used here mainly classical methods helped us and abstract methods, such as the Global Mental Model
so could the stakeholders together to agree on the concept. Important in such abstract models is that all team members can communicate in such abstract thinking. If this is not the case, are concrete documents (wireframes, etc.) preferred.
  • you have experience with the development of global information architectures? It would be very interested.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Transporting Cars In Gta Sa

project notes - Med Online Portal Relaunch (D)

As part of another classic IA-term project, we were able to gain valuable experience regarding the optimal course of the project. The project also had a high level of customer satisfaction. This briefly my thoughts.
  • project goal was to optimize the information architecture for the online portal of a global company in the medical field and structure on the target group needs new. Per customer briefing this concerned the information structure and a lot of different content types. Our team consisted of Account Manager, PM, information architects and designers.
  • The used methods creation of the project plan Business Requirement Analysis
    context analysis
    prioritization of Recommendations from the preceding usability test

    Personas (medical, technical and business view of the medical products)
      interviews with representatives of the target group
    • use cases

    • Mental Model (abstract)
    • Content Inventory and map structure (actual and desired)
    • wireframes was responsible for all use cases

    • Information Flow Chart

    • html prototypes
    • briefing further usability tests
    • As the project progress?
    • Before beginning a new solution development for our business partners, it was to understand the objectives of the portal users (doctors, technicians and business decision-Med) as well as possible. Context analysis and interviews with the audience helped us map the user requirements under the Business Scope. vote
    • To the solution in iterative rounds of optimization with all stakeholders, We took advantage of use cases, wireframes, site maps and information flow diagrams.
    • In the final phase develops HTML prototypes to be able to verify and optimize the solution concept by means of a usability tests.

    • What challenges did this project?
    The right choice of methodologies and deliverables

    A project planning to create a project in which there was a focus on the information structure (navigation) and the other content types.

    stakeholder communication: The influence of different stakeholders changed during the course of the project


    sufficient to collect user requirements is the basis for a stable solution development. Knowing how much "adequate" mean in individual cases, requires some experience.

    • deliverables such as use cases, wireframes, etc. should be developed efficiently, to support stakeholder communication and the iterative refinement optimal.
    • Customers want to see the vision clearly. Therefore, with the right choice of means of communication to the project success.
    • the beginning of the project, it can happen, not that the Business Goals formulated clearly enough. Our responsibility is attending to contribute to a sharpening of the solution view.
    What are your experiences in classical IA projects?

    Sunday, September 30, 2007

    River Rocks For Decorating

    project notes - Enterprise Search, Consulting & Specification (D)

    • The Enterprise Search is an exciting activity for us, information architects. I realize that this subject (keyword: SEO) as part of my projects gets a now increasingly important role. And I'm looking forward to exactly these challenges.
    • Some time ago I was involved in a classic "search & findability" project from which I could take some important lessons for future projects.
    • as the project develops
    The retrieval of information in the kernel was this massive project, in To create a specification as the intermediate result before the conversion was. I supported the project in the counseling, the client presentation, with workshops, through specification. advice, specification During the initial customer consultations, I realized that the search is a challenge to the exchange between the business scope, the user requirements and provide the later system requirements would be. This complexity was to communicate as early as crucial to project success. (1) The customer wants a search à la Google (the "tip of the iceberg" so), (2) the users need an intuitive Tour of their entire search process, not least, (3) the requirements for each system critical of what can ultimately be implemented under the project (budget). An abstract concept model helped us to make the concept of search communicable and tangible. It was important for example to show the importance of the contribution transparent. It is precisely in this part of the concept, the major functionalities are integrated, which later contribute to the retrieval of information objects (findability). After we successfully supported that it can commiter all stakeholders, we now have a good sense of detailed Specified level.

    We specified the requirements for the search in connection with the following methods / deliverables in a specification:
    Concept Model

    wireframes (start search, search results, contribution, ...)
    use cases


    Meta Schema

    data model
    • learning
    • - Choosing the right communication is very critical to project success: Since we were dealing here with the classical "iceberg" principle (ie customer wants, " implementation of a search field with all kinds of search qualities "), it was of paramount importance, that we the customers everything behind it, the decisive factors for the later success of the project have had. I decided to create a concept model, which communicates in a simple, abstract and narrative way. However, this need not be in every project the appropriate communication method.

    • - User Requirements: The tend to go beyond the project scope if they are fully taken into account in a single project. It is therefore advisable to separate them into functional and future requirements.
    • - Search strategy: Since search should generally run through a long-term search optimization, it makes much sense to develop a strategy for this model and this into account in the project versions or iterative project processes.
    • I am engaged just a deeper SEO issue and will therefore soon tie again from this point at ...

    • interests me: What do you
    • are connecting with the topic of Enterprise Search?

    Thursday, September 27, 2007

    Swap Meet San Fernando Valley

    EURO IA 2007/1.Tag - Great input for our projects (D )


    conference program, conference

    pictures on Flickr, ...
    Earlier this week I came, after a couple of fantastic days at the EURO IA 2007 conference And though! I would say that this year could be heard again a couple of very valuable lectures whose topics are indicative and have a high daily relevance. Here are some of my notes from Friday's presentations in the abstract: (And what key points did you you taken?)
    ----------------- -----------------------

    (Image source: paulinepauline )
    "How to (Really) Localize to Information Architecture

    - Peter Van Dijck
    Peter said to be about how global websites structured. One issue the us more often encountered in projects. The challenge is to adapt the structure of a site to local, linguistic and cultural situations. Peter showed this very clearly by some examples. Main points: categories are a cultural matter
    Mix content - if content must be presented untranslated
    Mix sites - When users are directed to another site occasionally Think global - act local

    ---- ------------------------------------

    • Map of Medicine
    • "
    • -
    • Susan Webber, LBi
    • The concept of Medical Map was presented at the EURO IA 2006 Susan Webber has now been presented at the EURO IA 2007 Case Study of Mobile Map.. She led the participants through the User Centered Design Process (context analysis, surveys, concept design, prototyping in an Agile development process), which led to a high solution quality

    Susan's main points.
    In well-designed user research pilot studies and prototypes tested challenges: The Health Care User Researches carried out, an established product by the browser in a mobile version to translate, understand the mobile context, development of various mobile options, consideration of the use of performance ------------------------ ----------------

    "Navigating the Long Tail: Adapting to IA Niche Markets"
      James Kalbach

    • Jim gave a very interesting presentation on information architecture niche markets. After his statement on the Long Tail, he showed some web platforms using the advantages and disadvantages of user-generated metadata, metadata and Owner Technically Generated Generated Metadata.
    • said after I told him how great I it would be if he would give a workshop on this subject again.
    Here are my notes:

    We are getting more hybrids to see with a mixture of top-down and bottom-up navigation. It all depends on the respective domain from The whole page is for navigation He does not see the crowd out the Taxonomies Folksonomies are
    The ethnographic analysis is important for our future community

    ------ ----------------------------------
      "UiaML: Universal Information Architecture Modeling Language
    • "
    • -
    • Alex Jongman

    • Another presentation that I was very happy in the run was that of Alex Jongman. The theme of IA and notation employs information architects around the world now so long ago. Better description forms for our digital solutions have long been desired in order to uniformly specify the content, the user interface, the interactions and the logical design. Alex pointed to an interesting solution

    My Notes:
    - The (solution) Core site map view (SMV) and the Content Area View (CAV) describes - Specifies will have different levels of information (page layout, core properties, content spec etc.) - This issue would also very well suited for a workshop, once the project has progressed somewhat. What is your feedback on the first day?

    Tuesday, September 18, 2007

    A Acrostic Poem On Summer

    Book - Enterprise Information Architecture (D)

    Under the title "Building Enterprise Information Architecture

    " a book was published, which is very specific challenges of information architects dedicated - namely the development of information architecture in the company under the particular business requirements. Often many companies when it comes to strategic planning of their information landscape, are just beginning their capabilities. This is due to the internally developed structures, which often make it difficult, information systems under the Goals on the respective business user requirements aligned to develop.

    This issue was also part of a
    IA Voice interview, which I had already
    the IA Summit 2006
    Louis Rosenfeld
    . Lou is one of the first of these issues addressed rapidly worldwide. He holds business seminars across content silos and communicated in lectures, information architects have the opportunities to support the development of this company's internal information solutions optimal. I have read the book yet myself, I'd be interested if anyone can say more?

    Monday, September 17, 2007

    Misdiagnosis On Graves Disease

    methods for information visualization (D) D

    I had this link on my desktop almost forgot that I had sent some time ago, friends and colleagues. It is by far one of the best summaries of different visualization methods:
    Data Visualization

    information visualization strategy visualization Metaphor Visualization compound visualization

    What is your impression regarding this survey?

    Sunday, September 16, 2007

    Gay Cruisiing Restrooms In Nyc

    New website for the Institute for Information Architecture (D)

  • (Image:
  • Institute for Information Architecture
  • )
  • For several weeks now, the German version of our
  • IIA website already online. This is, in joint cooperation of all German-IIA-Members, iterative development. Our German core team would be very on further support from the already registered IIA members in German speaking countries (Switzerland, Austria and Germany) are happy. The following projects are still looking for your support: German IA Conference
    Public Relations
    German translations
    IA methods

    IA Job Search (salary benchmarking, etc.)
    German IA Glossary
      What topics (eg methods of IA in Business, search, semantic, etc.) are important for you to be treated more on the Institute's website as a practicing (r) Information Architect (in) and should do? Please give us your feedback "desirable feedback under
    • .

    Thursday, September 13, 2007

    Which Financial Calculator Is The Best

    German IA Conference - Programme now online! (D)

  • (Image: German IA Conference
  • )
  • The program for the German IA Conference 2007 is now completed and is available to all interested parties already online! IAs, Core IA-and IA methods in training. On these issues, we have also placed high value in the evaluation of the papers - all the themes you see on the IA- conference website. We the planning team (core team of the Institute for Information Architecture (IIA) and the School of Media (Stuttgart Media University)) was fascinated by what is interesting perspectives from now viewed the field of information architecture and also practiced. It is now engaged here in the German-speaking specialists with many

    the IA-topic and on their presentations, we now wait with curiosity and impatient. We hope that all the information architects in the German Area (Switzerland, Austria and Germany) to come on board and use the opportunity to have to log in the Early Bird phase

    . We look forward to sharing and networking with you! planning team of the Institute for Information Architecture (IIA)