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Earlier this week I came, after a couple of fantastic days at the EURO IA 2007 conference And though! I would say that this year could be heard again a couple of very valuable lectures whose topics are indicative and have a high daily relevance. Here are some of my notes from Friday's presentations in the abstract: (And what key points did you you taken?)
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(Image source: paulinepauline )
"How to (Really) Localize to Information Architecture
- Peter Van Dijck
Peter said to be about how global websites structured. One issue the us more often encountered in projects. The challenge is to adapt the structure of a site to local, linguistic and cultural situations. Peter showed this very clearly by some examples. Main points: categories are a cultural matter
Mix content - if content must be presented untranslated Mix sites - When users are directed to another site occasionally Think global - act local
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- Map of Medicine
" - - Susan Webber, LBi
- The concept of Medical Map was presented at the EURO IA 2006 Susan Webber has now been presented at the EURO IA 2007 Case Study of Mobile Map.. She led the participants through the User Centered Design Process (context analysis, surveys, concept design, prototyping in an Agile development process), which led to a high solution quality
Susan's main points.
In well-designed user research pilot studies and prototypes tested challenges: The Health Care User Researches carried out, an established product by the browser in a mobile version to translate, understand the mobile context, development of various mobile options, consideration of the use of performance ------------------------ ----------------
"Navigating the Long Tail: Adapting to IA Niche Markets"
- James Kalbach
Jim gave a very interesting presentation on information architecture niche markets. After his statement on the Long Tail, he showed some web platforms using the advantages and disadvantages of user-generated metadata, metadata and Owner Technically Generated Generated Metadata. - said after I told him how great I it would be if he would give a workshop on this subject again.
We are getting more hybrids to see with a mixture of top-down and bottom-up navigation. It all depends on the respective domain from The whole page is for navigation He does not see the crowd out the Taxonomies Folksonomies are
The ethnographic analysis is important for our future community
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- "UiaML: Universal Information Architecture Modeling Language
- "
- - Alex Jongman
Another presentation that I was very happy in the run was that of Alex Jongman. The theme of IA and notation employs information architects around the world now so long ago. Better description forms for our digital solutions have long been desired in order to uniformly specify the content, the user interface, the interactions and the logical design. Alex pointed to an interesting solution
My Notes:
- The (solution) Core site map view (SMV) and the Content Area View (CAV) describes - Specifies will have different levels of information (page layout, core properties, content spec etc.) - This issue would also very well suited for a workshop, once the project has progressed somewhat. What is your feedback on the first day?
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