Thursday, November 11, 2010

Exzema And People In The Army


Effective Microorganisms The best organized relief organization on earth.

discovered in 1982 by the Japanese agricultural scientist Prof. Dr. Teruo Higa in Okinawa after many years of research, a mixture of microorganisms that used to be a fantastic help for those who over-fertilized and poisoned nature turned out - the Effective Microorganisms (EM) .

Teruo Higa united several re-generative (life-enhancing, anabolic) strains of microorganisms that are not according to accepted wisdom with each other tolerated: oxygen-forming (aerobic) bacterial strains with other tribes that live without oxygen (anaerobic). But the symbiosis discovered through years of research and sophisticated blend of these seemingly contradictory strains of microorganisms has it all. These are photosynthetic bacteria, actinomycetes, lactic acid bacteria, yeasts and fungi fermentaktive. Many of the used in EM re-generative and anabiotischen (cold outlasts) micro-organisms are used in some cases for centuries in food preparation, such as in the production of wine, bread, beer, sauerkraut or yogurt.

the capabilities of the EM in this composition?
About De-ionization of heavy metals in the soil of the plant is no longer included. EM mineralized the soil (like the earthworm). This increases the amount of nitrogen available for plants. About antioxidant processes by EM stench Fäulinis or mold are neutralized. The same antioxidant turns free radicals into harmless, saturated substances and enables the plants, live-forming amino acids directly auzunehmen without chemical changes. Antioxidant soils produce the highest quality of end products.

And so working little helpers. . .
Effective microorganisms are able to produce important substances such as vitamins, organic acids, minerals and other antioxidants. By the antioxidant effect of EM, the materials returned to their original state and thus it removes their toxicity.
The applications are so diverse that they can be used in almost every area of life. Plants will grow better and stronger immune, foul odors be neutralized, fungus infested basements or bathrooms to be renovated, sewage, sewer systems, lakes, ponds and rivers can be restored to its biological balance. But even in animals regenerate the EM the intestinal flora and help in wound healing.

How to explain this phenomenon where we are but with the words "bacteria" or "micro" rather negative things Pollution and disease link? The fact is that there would be no life without micro-organisms on earth. Microorganisms are the real managers of life. Everywhere, in soil, air, on all surfaces, even in and on our bodies live microbes and provide an invaluable service. The secret lies in the so-called dominance principle and instead of oxidation fermentation. Africa were using the EM has deserts reclaimed in Japan, the Seto Sea, an overturned inland sea by a fetid cesspool in a healthy waters with numerous marine animals and plants transformed in North and South Korea restored the whole of agriculture . Prof. DDr HIGA got the Honorary doctorate in South Korea. Working in Thailand Garneelenfarmen without antibiotics. In Taiwan ancient trees to be expelled again. In Bali intermediate harvests were made in vegetables without using pesticides and chemical fertilizers and without weeding. In South Africa we presented to the prevention of infectious diseases at the hospital demonstrated in the U.S. was lowered the mortality rate for domestic and farm animals drastically. In Austria EM are used in agriculture, waste water problems, flooding, in the household and garden area.