Sunday, October 5, 2008

Equal One Daily Vitamin

EURO IA 2008 - Bester input for the work week

It's always the same:) - in just two days € IA Conference you get so much inspiration from the presentations of speakers and of course through the conversations in the breaks - a huge motivation for the Work weeks later! Is it about you too?

What I really liked was the chance this time, several of the interesting lecture content (some analysis and design issues) to be equal in the projects of my first work week feed after the conference.

following presentations were made of one or another project context out for me interesting:
(let it in the next IA Cocktail Hour at Frankfurt talk further on the most presentations you at Slideshare GE tagged. with "euroia2008"):

Keynote - Adam Greenfield
wanted his provocative keynote presentation that I liked - it is an exciting and trend-setting Subject. And no doubt it will in future more hybrid concepts that give a solution for a digial and a real-space information (or product) supply.

Integrating web analysis in the User Experience Design Process
This, from the Internet Architects well-structured presentation, I found some important approaches again, to which I myself always put value: Good workflow descriptions, development of key indicators ( KPI's), etc. - unfortunately I found the presentation has not yet.

Content Analysis
What we showed Chiara Fox from Adaptive Path in their well structured presentation methods was not indeed so much new. However, I was talking to her and some people (such as with Silke ) thereafter, following clear that we all see more of that sound good (method) should give presentations to confidently communicate with our faculty and our conception optimize workflow. Of course, this should be possible based on real project experience and practice - but they told enough, or:). What do you think?

Building Social Web Experience
Laurent Goffin describes his presentation with strategic approaches based on solid data mining to design for social network platforms. As for my own needs here meets the interdisciplinary approaches, mixed with a "user centered approach", "web analytics" and "business requirements".

Commercial Ethnography and innovating information experience
Jim describes in 6 steps (1 Evangalise, 2 Prepare, Conduct 3rd, 4th analysis, 5 Ideate, 6.Validate) a sound approach for a "Commercial ethnography "- a pity that there still is no audio recording. Otherwise I would give in our company some time to listen.

roadmap for a stronger, European IA / UX Network

specifically to this subject " € IA Roadmap " I will (as Write-initiator) in the following days / weeks / months, certainly a lot more. Only this: It was a successful presentation and panel discussion at the conference - and for interessiete € IA-Network, we have a few weeks ago they founded XING community - you are also welcome if you the topic of "Information Architecture Europe "is interested:).

It's a DIY Future
The presentation by Joe Lamantia, there were some good efforts for future, modular solutions. This concept would be even better solutions come to the fore when he had amended his Slideset time. However, I found my own parallel port Conceptual claims in his presentation and would like to talk it through once with interested colleagues.

Taking Social Networks Global
Slide 36/38 in Peter's Presentation for me was the "i" dot in a number of convincing arguments about why the topic of "Global IA" must take seriously IA concepts - The perceived tension between the standard product and the localization. These very subjects I deal every week all over again. We have, however, this "house" already developed some solution approaches.

I'm not you - Modelling Personalization
Congratulations Bogo - very good design solutions! - This presentation is for me meeting one of the best presentations of € IA. Not to be missed. It shows very well how to Concept Models, user profiles, user profile management, use cases and flow charts interact in a personalization strategy.

Concept Design Tools for Information Architecture
Victor Lombardi gave at the IA € the last presentation - almost as a "closing keynote". You could call it the "icing on the cake." He presented a modern thinking pattern, which borrows from the product design is appropriated. Very interesting. Spontaneously, I thought to myself at his presentation, the value of such approaches are for a collaborative innovation process.

I would be pleased, of course, as always, your feedback and discussions on these issues - in this case, especially with my own colleagues:)!